OBJECTIVE: Because of the growing numbers of members worldwide in the sect
of Jehovah's Witnesses, the refusal of blood and blood products due to reli
gious reasons is increasingly encountered in clinical practice. As an alter
native to blood transfusion, Jehovah's Witnesses accept blood-free volume s
ubstitution, and they sometimes accept the intraoperative reinfusion of aut
ologous blood via a so-called cell saver. The aim of this study was to exam
ine whether the refusal of blood transfusion affects the surgical indicatio
ns for neurosurgery and whether morbidity and mortality rates are higher af
ter neurosurgical interventions in Jehovah's Witnesses.
METHODS: The pre-, intra-, and postoperative hemoglobin and hernatocrit val
ues as well as coagulation parameters of a group of Jehovah's Witnesses (n
= 103) were compared with those of a valid control group.
RESULTS: The total intraoperative blood loss during spinal and intracranial
surgery in Jehovah's Witnesses was often less than in controls, which sugg
ests a less traumatic surgical procedure. Hemodynamically relevant blood lo
ss occurred in two spinal and four intracranial interventions. The patients
were managed without receiving blood transfusions or blood products, altho
ugh increased time in the intensive care unit and increased convalescence d
ays were necessary. Mean surgical times were 17.5 minutes longer for spinal
interventions and 36.7 minutes longer for intracranial interventions than
for patients in the control group. This may be attributed to a more careful
and thus slower surgical technique and to longer and more extensive hemost
asis. The length of hospitalization was 15% longer for Jehovah's Witnesses
than for controls.
CONCLUSION: The morbidity and mortality rates for Jehovah's Witnesses under
going neurosurgery were not higher than those of the control group. Thus, i
t can be concluded that Jehovah's Witnesses did not have a higher risk when
microsurgical techniques and extensive anesthetic monitoring were applied
during neurosurgery. Because the surgical success rate for Jehovah's Witnes
ses corresponded to that of the control group, the increase in costs becaus
e of longer treatment times is compensated in the long run by avoiding a le
ngthier illness, sometimes with more expensive conservative therapy.