Purpose: There is controversy regarding the nervous control of retinal bloo
d vessels in humans. Most in vitro studies indicate that the intraocular pa
rt of the central retinal artery lacks autonomic innervation. We investigat
ed the response of retinal vessels to isometric exercise during blockade of
P-receptors (propranolol) or muscarinic receptors (atropine). Methods: Twe
lve healthy subjects performed squatting for 6 min during infusion of eithe
r propranolol atropine or placebo. Blood pressure and pulse rate were measu
red non-invasively. Retinal vessel diameters were measured continuously usi
ng the Zeiss Retinal Vessel Analyser. Results: Squatting induced a signific
ant increase in blood pressure and pulse rate, which was paralleled by a de
crease in retinal vein and artery diameters. Atropine did not change the re
tinal vessel response to isometric exercise. Propranolol significantly blun
ted the exercise-induced vasoconstriction in retinal arteries. Conclusion:
This result likely indicates propranolol-evoked vasoconstriction in the ext
raocular parts of the central retinal artery during isometric exercise. Cop
yright (C) 2001 S. Karger AG, Basel.