Managing osteoarthritis (OA) with structure-modifying agents (SMAs) is an i
mportant emerging topic receiving increased attention. from both lay indivi
duals and health care professionals as a promising alternative in the manag
ement of OA.
Objective: To review the methodology and outcome parameters purported to be
used in the assessment of the structure-modifying potential of various int
Design: A Medline search was performed to select the relevant published art
icles. This review does not go into detail about various aspects of the des
ign and conduct of structure-modifying studies; however, a vast number of r
elevant references are provided and may be accessed by interested readers.
Results: Enhancing the feasibility of SMAs. trials aimed at documenting eff
icacy can be accomplished by carefully selecting: (1) the. outcome paramete
rs, (2) the imaging methodology, and (3) the patient population. Most of th
e relevant issues that need to be considered by investigators before embark
ing on a study of this nature have been addressed in this article.
Conclusion: Most of the evidence to date focuses on the superiority of the
radiographic-based techniques in measuring joint space narrowing among a ho
mogeneous population of CA patients. More research is warranted before othe
r techniques such as ultrasound, chondroscopy, and magnetic resonance imagi
ng, can be proven to be reliable. (C) 2001 OsteoArthritis Research Society