Sh. Arshad et al., Sensitization to common allergens and its association with allergic disorders at age 4 years: A whole population birth cohort study, PEDIATRICS, 108(2), 2001, pp. NIL_82-NIL_89
Background. Atopy is defined as the genetic propensity to develop immunoglo
bulin E antibodies in response to exposure to allergens and assessed by ski
n prick test responses to common allergens. Although it is generally agreed
that atopy is an important risk factor for allergic diseases such as asthm
a, rhinitis, and eczema, the extent to which atopy accounts for these disea
ses is controversial.
Objective. We aim to describe the prevalence of sensitization to common all
ergens and investigate the degree of association of atopy (as defined by po
sitive skin prick test to 1 or more common allergens) to asthma, rhinitis,
and eczema in a birth cohort at the age of 4 years.
Methods. A birth cohort of 1456 children was recruited over a 14-month peri
od (1989-1990). These children have been seen previously at 1 and 2 years o
f age. At 4 years, 1218 children were reviewed and an interview was adminis
tered or postal questionnaire was completed for the presence of allergic di
seases (asthma, rhinitis, and eczema). Additionally, in 981 children, skin
prick tests with a battery of 12 common allergens were performed. Allergens
were house dust mite (Dermatophagoides pteronyssimus), grass pollen mix, c
at, dog, Alternaria alternata, Cladosporium herbarum, cow's milk, hen's egg
, soya, cod, wheat, and peanut. A mean wheal diameter of at least 3 mm grea
ter than the negative control was taken as positive. This analysis is confi
ned to the 981 (67% of the original population) who also had skin prick tes
ts to the standard battery.
chi (2) tests were used to test the univariate association between each all
ergic disease and positive skin test. Multiple logistic regression analysis
was performed to obtain the adjusted odds ratios (ORs) and 95% confidence
intervals (CIs) for the independent effect of sensitization to each allerge
n on allergic disease, adjusting for the effect of sensitization to other a
llergens. To ascertain how much of allergic disease is attributable to atop
y, we estimated the population-attributable risk. This was calculated with
the formula: P(R - 1) where R is the OR for the allergic disease under cons
ideration and P is the proportion of atopy in children with that disease.
Results. Children who were skin prick-tested at 4 years were similar in mos
t characteristics to the rest of the population, except that they had a hig
her prevalence of allergic disease. Allergic disorders (asthma, rhinitis, a
nd eczema) were present in 276 (28.1%) of 981. One hundred ninety-two (19.6
%) children were atopic (positive reaction to 1 or more allergens). Sensiti
zation to inhalant allergens was relatively common (19.2%) as compared with
food allergens (3.5%). House dust mite (11.9%), grass pollen (7.8%), and c
at (5.8%) were the most common positive reactions. A test to the 4 most com
mon allergens (house dust mite, grass pollen, cat, and A alternata) could d
etect 94% of the atopic children. Sensitization to the 4 most common allerg
ens was strongly associated with the presence of allergic disorders. There
was a graded effect with the potent allergens, such as house dust mite, hav
ing the greatest impact. For example, 50% of children sensitized to house d
ust mite had asthma as opposed to 44% sensitized to cat, 42% sensitized to
grass pollen, and 32% sensitized to A alternata. Overall, 68.4% of children
sensitized to house dust mite had asthma, eczema, and/or rhinitis. The res
pective figures for grass pollen, cat, and A alternata were 64.9%, 66.7%, a
nd 57.4%. The proportion of children sensitized to cat was not higher in ho
useholds with cat ownership (households with cats: 5.1% [19/374]; household
s without cats: 6.2% [36/580]; not significant [NS]). Similarly, no differe
nce was seen in sensitization to dog in households with and without dogs (h
ouseholds with dogs: 1.8% [5/282]; households without dogs: 2.8% [19/673];
NS). Boys were atopic more often than girls at this age (male: 112 of 497 [
22.5%] vs female: 80 of 484 [16.5%]; OR: 1.47, 95% CI: 1.07-2.02). Male pre
ponderance was observed with most allergens, but this was statistically sig
nificant only for house dust mite (male: 75/497 [15.1%] vs female: 42/484 [
8.7%]; OR: 1.87; CI: 1.25-2.79) and grass pollen (male: 51/497 [10.3%] vs f
emale: 26/484 [5.4%]; OR: 2.01; CI: 1.23-3.29).
An independent effect of allergen sensitization on asthma was observed only
with house dust mite with an OR of 8.07 (CI: 4.60-14.14). The highest inde
pendent risk for rhinitis was sensitization to grass pollen (OR: 5.02; CI:
2.21-11.41), and for eczema, sensitization to peanut (OR: 4.65; CI: 1.02-21
The majority of children (98/192) were sensitized to >1 allergen. A graded
effect was observed with the risk of allergic disease in the child increasi
ng with the number of positive skin prick test reactions. This effect was c
onsistent throughout the spectrum of allergic diseases (asthma, eczema, and
rhinitis). Nearly 80% of the children with positive skin test reactions to
4 or more allergens had asthma, eczema, and/or rhinitis compared with 20%,
if they were nonatopic.
The prevalence of atopy in asthmatic children was 44%. With an OR of 4.56,
the population-attributable risk was calculated to be 35%. Fifty-five perce
nt of children with rhinitis were atopic, and the OR of rhinitis was 5.85.
Therefore, 46% of the cases of rhinitis could be attributable to atopy. The
population-attributable risk of atopy for eczema was 32% (the prevalence o
f atopy in children with eczema: 43%; and the OR for the development of ecz
ema: 3.86).
Conclusion. Atopy is closely associated with asthma, rhinitis, and eczema a
t 4 years of age, with a direct and linear relationship. However, the propo
rtion of cases of allergic disease attributable to atopy is <50%. We propos
e a model for the development of allergic disorders, where 30% to 40% of ca
ses of allergic disease (asthma, eczema, and rhinitis) in early childhood a
re attributable to atopy and 60% to 70% of cases could be accounted for by
organ-based and other factors.