Male (n = 119) and female (n = 90) professional employees in a large f
inancial services organization participated in a one-day developmental
assessment center, and Mere assessed irt three dyadic role-playing ex
ercises by male or female assessors. In each exercise, one assessor ra
ted participants art specific behaviors which were subsequently averag
ed by a computer program to produce final exercise dimension ratings.
Results showed no significant differences in ratings for male and fema
le assessees on any dimensions in any of the exercises. Women assessor
s rated candidates of both sexes higher on some dimensions than did ma
le assessors in an employee counseling exercise, but there were no ass
essor gender differences in the sales call and problem analysis exerci
ses. Further, there were no significant interactions between assessee
and assessor gender for any of the exercises. The present findings att
est to the inherent fairness of the assessment center method for human
resource selection and development.