We have simulated four-dimensional interacting self-avoiding trails (ISAT)
on the hypercubic lattice with standard interactions at a wide range of tem
peratures up to length 4096 and at some temperatures up to length 16384. Th
e results confirm the earlier prediction (using data from a non-standard mo
del at a single temperature) of a collapse phase transition occurring at fi
nite temperature. Moreover they are in accord with the phenomenological the
ory originally proposed by Lifshitz, Grosberg and Khokhlov in three dimensi
ons and recently given new impetus by its use in the description of simutat
ional results for four-dimensional interacting self-avoiding walks (ISAW).
In fact, we argue that the available data is consistent with the conclusion
that the collapse transitions of ISAT and ISAW lie in the same universalit
y class, in contradiction with long-standing predictions. We deduce that th
ere exists a pseudo-first order transition for ISAT in four dimensions at f
inite lengths while the thermodynamic limit is described by the standard po
lymer mean-field theory (giving a second-order transition), in contradictio
n to the prediction that the upper critical dimension for ISAT is d(u) = 4.
(C) 2001 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.