Optimized shear (OS) experiments in JET can generate an internal transport
barrier (ITB) during a high power heating phase early in the plasma dischar
ge. A strong link is generally observed between the formation of the barrie
r and the location of an integer q magnetic surface within a low magnetic s
hear (s = r/q(dq/dr)) region of the plasma. However, if the q-profile for s
uch experiments is modified by applying lower hybrid heating and current dr
ive (LHCD) before the main heating pulse, to provide a region of reduced or
negative magnetic shear in the plasma core, ITBs can be formed the locatio
n of which does not exhibit any apparent association with a particular inte
rnal magnetic surface. Initial results suggest that q-profile modification
using an LHCD prelude can also be used to reduce the heating power level re
quired for ITB generation.