This paper reviews the trophic ecology of benthic suspension feeders in Ant
arctic shelf communities, studied within SCAR's EASIZ Programme, in compari
son with published information from other seas. Dense benthic suspension-fe
eder communities capture large quantities of particles and may directly reg
ulate primary, and indirectly, secondary production in littoral food chains
. Most work has been performed in temperate and tropical seas; however, lit
tle is known about suspension feeders in cold environments. Recent studies
on Antarctic littoral benthic suspension feeders suggest the period of wint
er inactivity may last only a few weeks. This contrasts with the hypothesis
that in Antarctic communities there is a prolonged period of minimal activ
ity lasting at least 6 months during the austral winter. Results from other
oceans may explain how dense benthic communities could develop under such
conditions. Alternative food sources, i.e. the "fine fraction", sediment re
suspension, lateral advection and efficient food assimilation may play a si
gnificant role in the development of suspension-feeder dominated, very dive
rsified, high biomass and three-dimensionally structured communities on the
Antarctic shelf.