Objective: This study examined the prevalence of significant loss through t
he death of another person as well as complicated grief among patients at t
wo psychiatric outpatient clinics for one year. Methods: A total of 729 pat
ients were interviewed about significant losses through death during their
lives. Standard questionnaires were used to classify 235 patients who had e
xperienced such losses into three groups: those who had minimal disturbance
, those who had moderate complicated grief, and those who had severe compli
cated grief. Multivariate and univariate analyses of variance were used to
test for differences in loss-specific variables (for example, pathological
grief) and variables that were not specific to loss (for example, depressio
n) among the three groups. Results: More than half of the 729 patients repo
rted that they had experienced one or more significant losses through death
. About a third of all patients who came to the clinics met the criteria fo
r either moderate or severe complicated grief, The average time since the l
oss was about ten years, indicating that these patients had long-term compl
icated grief. Significant differences in loss-specific variables and variab
les that were not specific to loss were detected among the three groups. Pa
tients who had severe complicated grief scored higher than patients in the
other two groups on both types of variables. Patients with moderate complic
ated grief had higher scores than those with minimal disturbance. Conclusio
ns: Clinicians should routinely assess outpatients for loss and complicated
grief and should consider addressing loss and complicated grief in treatme
nt. Rather than a single classification of complicated grief, different lev
els should be considered.