A single-ion microbeam facility has been constructed at the Columbia Univer
sity Radiological Research Accelerator Facility. The system was designed to
deliver defined numbers of helium or hydrogen ions produced by a van de Gr
aaff accelerator, covering a range of LET from 30 to 220 keV/mum, into an a
rea smaller than the nuclei of human cells growing in culture on thin plast
ic films. The beam is collimated by a pair of laser-drilled apertures that
form the beam-line exit. An integrated computer control program locates the
cells and positions them for irradiation. We present details of the microb
eam facility including descriptions of the collimators, hardware, control p
rogram, and the various protocols available. Various contributions to targe
ting and positioning precision are discussed along with our plans for futur
e developments. Beam time for outside users is often available (see www.rar
af.org). (C) 2001 by Radiation Research Society.