With the growing number of resources on self-determination, teachers may fi
nd it difficult to locate the information that will be most useful for plan
ning educational programs. This article provides a map for teachers to use
in searching the self-determination literature to find usable ideas, This m
ap includes two primary paths, The first leads through the conceptual liter
ature to the destination of increasing understanding of self-determination.
In following this path, teachers may locate Information on the concept or
on its specific components, such as choice making, problem solving, and sel
f-advocacy. Examples include conceptual resources that may be especially us
eful for teachers. The map also points to pitfalls to avoid while gaining u
nderstanding of self-determination, such as assuming that everyone values t
he same adult outcomes. The second path travels through the intervention li
terature, including research studies, how-to resources, and published curri
cula, and leads to designing self-determination instruction and environment
al supports. Examples are offered from these resources on how teachers can
develop Individualized Education Programs, identify teaching strategies, de
velop environmental support, and use the resources for personal development