Sg. Katalnikov, Physico-chemical and engineering principles of boron isotopes separation by using BF3-anisole center dot BF3 system, SEP SCI TEC, 36(8-9), 2001, pp. 1737-1768
This review is devoted to consideration of physico-chemical and engineering
data required for realization of boron isotopes separation by ti a method
of chemical isotope exchange between BF3 and the complex anisole.BF3. The p
roperties of the initial substances and anisole.BF3 complex required for ca
lculation of the separation process are considered. The data on phase equil
ibrium in the system, isotope equilibrium, kinetics of interphase isotope e
xchange, and implementation of phases conversion are presented. This articl
e considers comprehensively the reasons for anisole decomposition and the m
easures for its prevention. The problem of hydrodynamics and choice of pack
ing are investigated. The conditions of initial substances preparation are
treated. Perspective trends of separation process improvement are discussed