The properties of the I-modified Ag(1 1 1), (1 0 0) and (1 1 0) surfaces ar
e studied via the first-principle local density functional calculation with
the ultrasoft pseudopotential and the generalized gradient approximation.
The preferred adsorption site, relaxation of the surface structure, adsorpt
ion energy, work function change and changes of the properties with the cov
erage as well as total density of state are investigated. The most energeti
cally favorite adsorption site is hollow site on the (1 0 0) surface in our
study. Strong interaction between the iodine atom and the surface and tran
sfer of electronic charges from the silver surface to the iodine atom are o
bserved. The function of the iodine atom in the partial oxidation of the me
thanol is discussed based on our results. (C) 2001 Elsevier Science B.V. Al
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