An approach is presented to recover a true signal from an intermittent regi
me-like behaving noisy system given an estimate of the noise covariance C-N
. The method is based on minimizing the noise probability distribution on i
sosurfaces of the data probability distribution and involves the spectrum o
f the matrix CDCN-1 where C-D represents an estimate of the data covariance
within a given regime, In single channel, i.e.. one-dimensional, case the
intermittent low-frequency time series is split according to the regime lev
el. For each regime the obtained subsampled time series is first centred by
removing its time mean and then projected onto a higher dimensional space
using the method of the delay coordinates. The oscillation for each regime
level is then obtained as the leading eigenvector of CDCN-1. In the multi-c
hannel case the signal pattern is obtained in the same way locally in each
cluster forming the data. The approach is first tested xith the Lorenz syst
em yielding the correct oscillation. The method is then applied to the Paci
fic 500-hPa geopotential height from a set of multidecadal integrations wit
h the General Circulation Model (GCM) of the Hadley Centre, forced with obs
erved Sea Surface Temperature (SST), in order to identify the nonlinear atm
ospheric response associated with El Nino Southern Oscillation (ENSO).