Local motion detectors can only provide the velocity component perpendicula
r to a moving line that crosses their receptive field, leading to an ambigu
ity known as the 'aperture problem'. This problem is solved exactly for rig
id objects translating in the screen plane via the intersection of constrai
nts (IOC. In natural scenes, however, object motions are not restricted to
fronto-parallel translations, and several objects with distinct motions may
be present in the visual space. Under these conditions the usual IOC const
ruction is no longer valid, which raises questions as its use as a basis fo
r spatial integration and selection of motion signals in uniform and non-un
iform velocity fields. The influence of the motion of random dots on the pe
rceived direction of a horizontal line grating was measured, when dots and
lines are seen through different apertures. The random dots were mapped on
a plane that translates in a fronto-parallel plane (uniform 2D translation)
or in depth (3D, corresponding to a non-uniform projected velocity field,
either expanding or contracting). The grating was either moving rigidly wit
h the dots or in the opposite direction. Subjects' responses show that the
direction of line grating movement was reliably influenced only in conditio
ns consistent with rigid motion; where there was a reliable influence, the
perceived direction was consistent with the dot motion pattern. This findin
g points to the existence of a motion-based selection mechanism that operat
es prior to the disambiguation of the line movement direction. Disambiguati
on could occur for both uniform and non-uniform velocity fields, even thoug
h in the last case none of the individual dots indicated the proper directi
on in 2D velocity space. Finally, the capture by non-uniform motion pattern
s was less robust than that by uniform 2D translations, and could be disrup
ted by manipulations of the shape and size of the apertures. (C) 2001 Elsev
ier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.