Wastewater characterisation is of primary importance for the correct design
and management of a treatment plant. The aim of this work was the evaluati
on of a new rapid and easy to use respirometric. technique for the characte
risation of readily biodegradable COD (RBCOD). When the necessary calibrati
on curve is obtained, the RBCOD assessment procedure needs less than 30 min
utes. On the contrary, conventional techniques require some hours. The firs
t step consists in calculating a calibration curve in order to point out th
e correlation between oxygen consumed and known amount of added Sodium Acet
ate. To a well aerated biomass (in order to remove residual readily biodegr
adable substrate) a known amount of Sodium Acetate is added and the related
OUR is measured. The oxygen consumed (Delta DO) is related to the added CO
D (as Sodium Acetate). Therefore, the RBCOD concentration in wastewater sam
ples can be obtained according to the following steps: (1) measure Delta DO
; (2) multiply Delta DO by the Volume of aerated mixed liquor used in the t
est; (3) from the calibration curve, calculate the readily biodegradable CO
D equivalent to Acetate; (4) estimate RBCOD concentration multiplying the w
astewater sample volume tested in the reactor. Some advantages of this tech
nique are described in the paper.