Numbers of wading birds are declining throughout the Murray-Darling Basin i
n Australia, and the loss of wetland habitats to agriculture is the most li
kely cause. This study describes the foraging of egrets in irrigated rice f
ields that occur extensively in areas of former wetlands. Tadpoles were the
main prey of Great and Intermediate Egrets (Ardea alba and A. intermedia),
with insects important secondary prey. Insects were the main prey of Cattl
e Egrets (A. ibis). Prey capture rates for Great and Intermediate Egrets de
clined by around 40% between November and January as the rice plants grew f
roth seediing to mature stages. Cattle Egret prey capture rates did not dec
line. The abundance of tadpoles and most aquatic insects in the rice fields
declined significantly between November and February. All three egret spec
ies laid eggs mainly during December and had young in the nest during Janua
ry arid February. Thus the declining profitability of rice fields as foragi
ng sites coincided with the maximum demand for food by the birds to rear th
eir voting. Rice fields may not be an adequate substitute for natural wetla
nds for Great and Intermediate Egrets.