This study assessed the effect of maternal smoking during pregnancy on vent
ilatory and waking responses of infants to a respiratory challenge. This ch
allenge mimicked the time-course and concentration of gases that an infant
would experience rebreathing face-down into soft bedding. Control (C; n = 9
7) and smokers' infants (SM; n = 96) were studied at ages 1 and 3 mo. Asphy
xial gas (hypercapnia/hypoxia) was delivered to the supine sleeping baby vi
a a hood by slowly altering the inspired air: CO2 maximum 5% and O-2 minimu
m 13.5%. Respiratory pattern was recorded by inductive plethysmography as t
he sum of ribcage and abdominal movements. The change in ventilation with i
nspired CO2 was measured over 5-6 min of the test. The slope of a linear cu
rve fit relating inspired CO2 to the logarithm of ventilation was taken as
a quantitative measure of ventilatory asphyxial sensitivity (VAS). Protecti
ve responses were graded from 1: no waking and an estimated arterial carbon
dioxide tension (PaCO2) greater than or equal to 60 mmHg (least protective
), to 4: fully awake (most protective). The results showed VAS was higher i
n SM infants than controls: +0.03 (p = 0.04). The oxygen saturation (SaO(2)
) of SM infants fell -0.4% (p = 0.02) more than SaO(2) Of controls despite
a greater tidal volume increase: +13.0% (p = 0.04). Overall protective resp
onses were the same between groups, but grade 1, although rare, was found i
n 7 SM infants and only 4 control infants; this difference was not signific
Conclusion: The study did not confirm the postulate that infants of mothers
who smoked during pregnancy have a reduced ventilatory response or raised
waking thresholds.