Objectives. This study examined the relation of age at menarche to overweig
ht in US adolescent girls.,
Methods. Effects of age at menarche and race/ethnicity on overweight were e
stimated via logistic regression, after adjustment for sociodemographic cha
racteristics, in a sample of 6507 Hispanic, Black, White, and Asian America
n girls who participated in wave 2 of the National Longitudinal Study of Ad
olescent Health,
Results. Overweight prevalence rates were significantly higher in early mat
uring adolescents of all racial/ethnic groups but highest (57.5%) among ear
ly maturing Black girls. Early maturation nearly doubled the odds of being
overweight (body mass index at or above the 85th percentile).
Conclusions. Greater public health attention should be focused on the high
prevalence of overweight, particularly among minority female adolescents.