Objectives. This quantitative metaanalysis sought to determine the effectiv
eness of occupational stress-reducing interventions and the populations for
which such interventions are most beneficial.
Methods. Forty-eight experimental studies (n=3736) were included in the ana
lysis. Four intervention types were distinguished: cognitive-behavioral int
erventions, relaxation techniques, multimodal programs, and organization-fo
cused interventions.
Results. A small but significant overall effect was found. A moderate effec
t was found for cognitive-behavioral interventions and multimodal intervent
ions, and a small effect was found for relaxation techniques. The effect si
ze for organization-focused interventions was nonsignificant. Effects were
most pronounced on the following outcome categories: complaints, psychologi
c resources and responses, and perceived quality of work life.
Conclusions. Stress management interventions are effective. Cognitive-behav
ioral interventions are more effective than the other intervention types.