Depending on the localization of the obstruction of the seminal ducts, eith
er a microsurgical reconstruction (tubulovasostomy, vasovasostomy) or a tra
nsurethral resection of the ejaculatory ducts is carried out. We have compa
red the effectiveness and economic advantages of reconstructive microsurger
y of the epididymis and vas deferens with standard procedures in animal exp
eriments. Microsurgical invagination techniques in tubulovasostomy are equa
l to the standard procedure from the point of view of the patency and ferti
lity rates. They are also easier to learn and carry out. Less time is requi
red for the invagination technique, and also less microsurgical suture mate
rial. The double-laver technique in vasovasostomy is equal to the one-layer
microsurgical technique from the point of view of patency and fertility ra
tes. The one-layer technique requires less time and suture material. It see
ms that the discrepancy between the patency and the fertility rate is relat
ed to immunological processes after reconstruction of the seminal ducts. In
cases of obstructive azoospermia it is necessary to investigate the indivi
dual conditions and possibilities of the infertile couple. As a result of t
he high success rate obtainable today by surgical reconstruction of the sem
inal ducts, this must constitute the first type of treatment to be consider
ed, before any of the procedures of reproductive medicine are undertaken.