Although snow petrels, Pagodroma nivea, show a tendency to assortative mati
ng by size morph, the existence of mixed pairs producing viable young revea
ls that reproductive isolation between the two size morphs is imperfect. Ho
wever, the degree of isolation depends on breeding locality. A given area c
an harbour either (1) only small birds, or (2) only large birds, or (3) sma
ll bird colonies close to large bird ones, or (4) mixed pairs, the percenta
ge of which varies from one locality to another. We investigated the mating
and nesting patterns that result in mixed pairings and can explain the spe
ciation process considered to be in progress by modern authors. Data from a
34-year demographic study in Terre Adelie, Antarctica, showed that mate an
d nest fidelity were very high. Nest changes, but not divorces, generally l
ed to higher fecundity. Snow petrels did not seem to choose their mates on
the basis of age or experience, and divorcees tended to form new pair bonds
with neighbours; nevertheless, there was evidence for active mate fidelity
. Pairs involving mates of the same size morph and mixed pairs had similar
fecundity. Despite its heterogeneity, the breeding habitat of snow petrels
was relatively predictable. Ice repeatedly made some nests unsuitable for b
reeding. Obtaining a nest that was not frozen was therefore the primary req
uirement for breeding. Strong competition for nests may explain high fideli
ty rates and, combined with the absence of reproductive costs in mixed pair
s, may have promoted decreased choosiness during mate choice, preventing to
tal reproductive isolation between the two morphs. (C) 2001 The Association
for the Study of Animal Behaviour.