We tabulate three measures of rarity: local abundance, breeding range size
and elevational extent for the passerine birds of the New World. We determi
ne what fraction of species is threatened with extinction within the combin
ations of these three measures. Species with smaller ranges., lower abundan
ces and narrower elevational bands suffer higher levels of threat across lo
wland, montane and island species. For a given range size, lowland species
suffer higher levels of threat than island or montane species. (This is cou
nter to the intuition that island species - and those isolated on mountain
tops might be ecologically naive.) When all three factors are considered to
gether, there is only a slight tendency for lowland species to be dispropor
tionately more threatened. Simply, island and montane species tend to be re
latively common within their restricted ranges and their increased abundanc
e reduces their likelihood of being threatened. Elevation is a consistent b
ut relatively unimportant factor in determining threat; abundance and range
size are much more important, and have an interactive effect on threatened
status. We calculate the number of humans with which each species shares i
ts breeding range. and find that this number does not aid in predicting thr
eat status.