We have previously shown that the different biological natures of comedo du
ctal carcinoma in situ (DCIS) and non-comedo DCIS may, in part, be explaine
d by the different expression patterns of tenascin, a large extracellular m
atrix protein, as observed by immunohistochemical studies. In the present s
tudy, we compared 8 cases of comedo DCIS with 5 cases of non-comedo DCIS by
ultrastructural analysis, focusing on the myoepithelium, basal lamina, and
tenascin-positive extracellular periductal stromal matrix. Our observation
s show that the comedo type DCIS frequently has an altered basal lamina, a
looser and more disorganized collagenous matrix, and a general increase in
stromal cellularity, including fibroblasts, lymphocytes, histiocytes and sm
all blood vessels. In addition, in comedo DCIS, the lateral intercellular s
paces between large myoepithelial cells that border the basal lamina are of
ten expanded, compared to those of non-comedo DCIS. These results identify
structural characteristics of comedo DCIS that may play a role in its great
er preinvasive potential. They may also provide a structural basis for the
different strategies that are needed for for clinical management of comedo
DCIS, compared to non-comedo DCIS.