The majority of plant cell wall hydrolases are modular enzymes which, in ad
dition to a catalytic module, possess one or more carbohydrate-binding modu
les (CBMs). These carbohydrate-active enzymes and their constituent modules
have been classified into a number of families based upon amino acid seque
nce similarity. The Clostridium thermocellum xylanase, Xyn10B, contains two
CBMs that belong to family 22 (CBM22). The crystal structure of the C-term
inal CBM22 (CBM22-2) was determined in a previous study [Charnock, S. J., e
t al. (2000) Biochemistry 39, 5013-5021] and revealed a surface cleft which
presents several conserved residues that are implicated in ligand binding.
These amino acids have been substituted and the structure and biochemical
properties of the mutants analyzed. The data show that R25A, W53A, Y103A, Y
136A, and E138A exhibit greatly reduced affinity for xylotetraose relative
to that of the wild-type protein. Conversely, mutations Y103F and Y136F hav
e little effect on ligand binding. Using thermodynamic, X-ray, and NMR meas
urements on the mutants, we show that the cleft of CBM22-2 does indeed form
the ligand-binding site. Trp 53 and Tyr 103 most likely participate in hyd
rophobic stacking interactions with the ligand, while Glu 138 makes one or
more important hydrogen bonds with the tetrasaccharide. Although Arg 25 and
Tyr 136 are likely to form hydrogen bonds with the ligand, they are also s
hown to play a critical role in maintaining the structural integrity of the
binding cleft.