Background: We report survival and pretreatment prognostic factors for surv
ival and chemosensitivity in 53 oligodendrogliomas treated with PCV (procar
bazine, lomustine and vincristine) chemotherapy. Methods: A total of 53 pat
ients with histologically proven oligodendroglioma, anaplastic oligodendrog
lioma or oligo-astrocytoma and treated with PCV were extracted from the Lon
don Regional Cancer Center database. A retrospective review was conducted t
o evaluate overall survival and pretreatment prognostic factors for surviva
l and chemosensitivity. Results: The median survival time from diagnosis wa
s 123.6 months. The overall five- and ten-year survival rates were 72.7% an
d 52.7% respectively. Age < 40, seizure as an initial symptom, absence of c
ognitive deficit and presence of a homogeneous hypodense lesion without con
trast enhancement on the initial pretreatment CT scan were all factors inde
pendently associated with favorable outcome. The presence of increased cell
ularity, pleomorphism, mitosis, vascular proliferation and grading as an an
aplastic lesion using these surrogates on pathological assessment, were all
associated with an unfavorable outcome in univariable. analysis. In multiv
ariable analysis, only the anaplastic grading and presence of increased cel
lularity were significant determinants of unfavorable survival. The only fa
ctor adversely associated with chemosensitivity was the presence of a focal
symptom at presentation. Conclusion: Overall survival is significantly lon
ger in oligodendroglial lesions than in fibrillary astrocytic tumors. A two
tier grading system using standard morphological features seems accurate i
n predicting outcome in these patients. The presence of a neoplastic astroc
ytic component does not seem to impact the outcome. No clinical, radiologic
al or pathological factor could be identified to reliably predict chemother
apy response.