Analysis of the mammalian natriuretic peptide system has established the pr
esence of three types of receptors with distinct structural and functional
features and tissue distributions. To clarify the physiological role of eac
h subtype, we studied the natriuretic peptide system in animals with specia
lized anatomical and physiological features. In this review, following a br
ief description of the comparative and evolutionary aspects of the ligands,
we will analyze the structure and distribution of natriuretic peptide rece
ptors in lower vertebrates, as well as those of rats with essential and sal
t-sensitive hypertension, and discuss the evolutionary aspects of the natri
uretic peptide systems in mammals and fishes. Emphasis is placed on our ser
ies of studies with eel receptors that revealed (i) interesting variations
in the pattern of intra- and inter-molecular disulfide bonding; (ii) dense
chondrocyte localization of NPR-C, which opened a new field of study for na
triuretic peptides and bone metabolism; and (iii) the presence of a new rec
eptor subtype, NPR-D, which is abundant in the brain and a member of the re
ceptor subfamily with a short cytoplasmic C-terminal tail.