The errors involved in precision lattice parameter determination fall into
three broad groups: errors that can be corrected by applying a multiplicati
on factor to the determined parameter(s), errors arising from a constant sh
ift in peak position, and errors arising from a Bragg angle dependent shift
in peak position. The latter two sources of error can be corrected by appl
ying analytical techniques to the lattice parameters determined from the me
asured Bragg peaks. The time and effort involved in this process can be gre
atly reduced by using computational methods based on extrapolation, least s
quares analysis with systematic error refinement and pure lattice refinemen
t techniques. Programs for these purposes were evaluated using the Si and L
aB6 crystallographic standards certified by NIST. A computer extrapolation
method utilizing the function coscot theta gave lattice parameters with a p
recision of 1: 100,000 for Bragg peaks at angles greater than 60 degrees th
eta, but significantly lower levels of precision were obtained when lower a
ngle Bragg peaks were included in the extrapolation. Low levels of precisio
n were obtained when either corrected or uncorrected peak positions were an
alyzed by least squares in combination with a refinement of selected system
atic errors. By contrast, a lattice refinement method with no facility for
dealing with systematic errors yielded lattice parameters with a precision
better than 1: 100,000 regardless of whether any prior corrections had been
applied to eliminate errors in peak position. An even greater precision of
1:500,000 was obtained when this lattice refinement method was applied to
peak positions corrected by a second order polynomial fit to data from an i
nternal standard.