Previous field and laboratory studies with vascular plants have shown that
perchlorate is transported from perchlorate fortified soils and is accumula
ted in the plant tissues and organs. This paper contains results of prelimi
nary investigations on the occurrence of perchlorate in tobacco plants grow
n in soils amended with a fertilizer whose nitrogen content is derived from
naturally occurring sodium nitrate (Chile saltpeter). Ion chromatography (
IC) and capillary electrophoresis (CE) were used for quantitative analysis,
while nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy was used for qualitati
ve analysis of perchlorate. Results show that perchlorate is accumulated by
tobacco plants into the leaves from soils amended with fertilizers that co
ntain perchlorate. Also, perchlorate can persist over an extended period of
time and under a variety of industrial processes as shown by its presence
in off-the-shelf tobacco products including cigarettes, cigars, and pouch a
nd plug chewing tobaccos in concentrations ranging from nd to 60.4 +/- 0.8
mg/kg on a wet weight basis.