We study the low-temperature phase of the three-dimensional +/-J Ising spin
glass in Migdal-Kadnoff approximation. At zero temperature, T = 0, the pro
perties of the spin glass result from the ground-state degeneracy and can b
e elucidated using scaling arguments based on entropy. The approach to the
asymptotic scaling regime is very slow, and the correct exponents are only
visible beyond system sizes around 64. At T > 0, a crossover from the zero-
temperature behaviour to the behaviour expected from the droplet picture oc
curs at length scales proportional to T-2/ds where d(s) is the fractal dime
nsion of a domain wall. Canonical droplet behaviour is not visible at any t
emperature for systems whose linear dimension is smaller than 16 lattice sp
acings, because the data are either affected by the zero-temperature behavi
our or the critical point behaviour.