The purpose of this study was to identify the functional fields activated i
n relation to gestural movements. Using functional magnetic resonance imagi
ng (fMRI), we mapped brain activity in ten right-handed, normal volunteers
during activation and control tasks. The activation condition consisted of
pantomiming tool-use gestures with either the left hand or right hand, wher
eas the control condition comprised repetitive, oppositional movements betw
een thumb and index finger. Activated cortical regions were highly laterali
zed to the left hemisphere during pantomiming of tool use regardless of han
d used. Praxis with either hand commonly activated the superior parietal lo
bule, supplementary motor area, premotor area of the left hemisphere, and c
erebellar vermis. However, minimal activation occurred in the inferior pari
etal lobule, which has been known to be a critical area for praxis generati
on. Compared with left-hand praxis, right-hand praxis exhibited additional
activation in the left putamen and posterior part of the left inferior temp
oral region. Our findings concur with neuropsychological observations that
the left hemisphere in right-handers mediates programming and executing ski
lled movements and that, within the left hemisphere, praxis is predominantl
y subserved by the parietal lobe, supplementary motor area, and premotor ar
ea. However, unlike previous lesion studies, the results of our fMRI study
suggested that the superior parietal lobule more likely than the inferior p
arietal lobule play an important role in gesture production.