Biotechnology is gaining in importance worldwide. Some see it as an importa
nt means for increased agricultural productivity medical applications and e
nvironmental remediation, advocating its use as an important tool to avert
world hunger and support sustainable development in the South (eg Borlaug 1
997, Wambugu 1999, Monsanto 2000). At the same time, few technologies have
evoked so much controversy and public opposition, bringing together those c
oncerned about the environment, human health and economic dominance of mult
inational corporations (eg FoE 1999, Nuffield Council 1999, Phelps 1999, Kr
ebs 2000). This controversy is accompanied by a high level of scientific un
certainty regarding possible environmental and health impacts that make a d
ecision for or against biotechnology unlikely in the near future.
The following research note focuses on possible health impacts associated w
ith the consumption of genetically modified (GM) food products. After a bri
ef evaluation of possible health risks, an assessment of public opinion on
GM food in Australia is presented, based on the results of a survey designe
d to investigate these issues.