The rate coefficients for the reaction of OH with CO, k(1) at pressures of
50 - 750 Torr from 220 K to 400 K, in He, N-2, and air, are reported to be
k(1) = (1.57 x 10(-13) + 3.54 x 10(.33) x [M]) cm(3) molecule(-1) s(-1), wi
th [M] in molecule cm(-3), k(1) increases linearly with the bath gas number
density; this increase is independent of temperature. k(1), at a given tem
perature and number density, is the same in N-2, dry air, and mixtures of O
-2 (up to 49%) and N-2. The presence of water vapor does not significantly
alter k(1) under atmospheric conditions. The uncertainty in our value of k(
1) is +/- 15%, at the 95% confidence level, at any given [M] and temperatur
e, which is smaller than the currently recommended uncertainty by a factor
of four or more. Our k(1) values are compared with previous data and their
atmospheric implications are discussed.