Background: Radiotherapy has recently been employed to treat patients with
exudative macular degeneration in order to prevent severe visual loss. Radi
otherapy affects the evolution of exudative macular degeneration directly b
y endothelial toxicity, leading to capillary closure, and/or indirectly thr
ough its attenuating effects on the inflammatory response, mediated by macr
ophages and other inflammatory cells. Methods: In this study we describe th
e histopathologic findings in a patient with exudative age-related macular
degeneration (AMD) in both eyes whose right eye was treated with radiothera
py (5 times 2 Gy) 3 years before he died. The eyes were enucleated post mor
tem and investigated by light microscopy. Additionally, immunohistochemical
investigation with antibodies against CD34 and CD68 was performed to ident
ify patent endothelial cells and macrophages. Results: Both eyes showed neo
vascular AMD consisting of mixed fibrocellular and fibrovascular membranes.
Capillaries in both the choriocapillaris and the neovascular membrane were
patent in both eyes. Macrophages were present in the choroidal neovascular
ization of both eyes. Neither preexistent choroidal, intraretinal, nor neov
ascular vessels showed increased wall thickness as sign of radiation damage
. Conclusion: No radiation-related histopathologic effect could be demonstr
ated 3 years after radiation therapy in this patient with AMD.