This paper presents an interactive graphical user interface (GUI) based mul
tiobjective evolutionary algorithm (MOEA) toolbox for effective computer-ai
ded multiobjective (MO) optimization. Without the need of aggregating multi
ple criteria into a compromise function, it incorporates the concept of Par
eto's optimality to evolve a family of nondominated solutions distributing
along the tradeoffs uniformly. The toolbox is also designed with many usefu
l features such as the goal and priority settings to provide better support
for decision-making in MO optimization, dynamic population size that is co
mputed adaptively according to the online discovered Pareto-front, soft/har
d goal settings for constraint handlings, multiple goals specification for
logical "AND"/"OR" operation, adaptive niching scheme for uniform populatio
n distribution, and a useful convergence representation for MO optimization
. The MOEA toolbox is freely available for download at to kctan/moea.htm, which is ready for immediate use with mini
mal knowledge needed in evolutionary computing. To use the toolbox, the use
r merely needs to provide a simple "model" rile that specifies the objectiv
e function corresponding to his/her particular optimization problem. Other
aspects like decision variable settings, optimization process monitoring an
d graphical results analysis can be performed easily through the embedded G
UIs in the toolbox. The effectiveness and applications of the toolbox are i
llustrated via the design optimization problem of a practical ill-condition
ed distillation system. Performance of the algorithm in MOEA toolbox is als
o compared with other well-known evolutionary MO optimization methods upon
a benchmark problem.