Novel immune-type receptor (NITR) genes, which initially were identified in
the Southern pufferfish (Spheroides nephelus), encode products which consi
st of an extracellular variable (V) and V-like CZ (V/C2) domain, a transmem
brane region, and a cytoplasmic tail, which typically possesses an immunore
ceptor tyrosine-based inhibition motif (ITIM). Multiple NITR genes have bee
n identified in close, contiguous chromosomal linkage. The V regions of NIT
Rs resemble prototypic forms defined for immunoglobulin (Ig) and T-cell ant
igen receptor (TCR), are present in multiple families and exhibit regionali
zed variation in sequence, which also occurs in Ig and TCR. Comparisons of
exons encoding transmembrane and cytoplasmic regions of multiple NITRs sugg
est that exon shuffling has factored in the diversification of the NITR gen
e complex. Zebrafish (Danio redo) NITRs exhibit many of these characteristi
cs. NITRs that have been identified in additional species of bony fish demo
nstrate additional variation in the number of extracellular domains as well
as in the presence of intramembranous charged residues, cytoplasmic tails
and ITIMs. The presence in NITRs of V regions that are related closely to t
hose found in Ig and TCR, as well as regulatory motifs and other structural
features that are characteristic of immune inhibitory receptors encoded at
the leukocyte receptor duster, suggests that the NITRs are representative
of an integral stage in the evolution of innate and adaptive immune functio