This article uses a case study of the spatial and career mobility of bank w
orkers from Lloyds, a leading British bank, to explore the relationship bet
ween class formation and spatial mobility. The article argues against the i
dea that the large-scale concentration and bureaucratization of the British
banking industry in the early years of the twentieth century saw the emerg
ence of a mobile middle-class spiralist or cosmopolitan. We use archival da
ta from Lloyds Bank to argue that the emergence of Lloyds as a large-scale
national bank involved a compromise with localized interests rather than a
detachment of the bank from local concerns. We use data on the career histo
ries of a representative sample of male bank employees to argue that spatia
l mobility was organized largely within regions and helped to consolidate t
he prospects of rural bank workers. We argue that London emerged as a disti
nctive 'hub' for banking careers, with significant amounts of movement to a
nd from London from all regions. We therefore demonstrate how localized and
rural cultures were sedimented within a large, national bureaucracy, and t
hat a genuine 'spiralist' structure did not emerge.