Central America is an area with a growing human immunodeficiency virus (HIV
) epidemic, but with marked limitations in its health care infrastructure.
Estimated adult HIV infection rates range from 0.20% in Nicaragua to 2.01%
in Belize. Hospitals and clinicians with experience in HIV care exist mainl
y, if not only, in capital cities and principal economic centers. Nationall
y sponsored social security systems in each country consistently offer a wi
der range of services than do ministry of health systems. Estimated access
to the social security system ranges from 0% in Belize and 10% of the popul
ation in Honduras to 95% in Costa Rica. Combination antiretroviral therapy
is not available through the ministries of health and zidovudine is only sp
oradically available for prevention of perinatal transmission. Combination
therapy is available through the social security system in the countries of
Guatemala, Panama, and Costa Rica only. A wide variety of antiretroviral a
gents are available through private pharmacies in all countries except Beli
ze. With the exception of Costa Ricans, most people with HIV infection in C
entral America have limited access to HIV-specific health services and limi
ted or no access to antiretroviral agents.