Activation of purinoceptor by ATP induces in eosinophils various cell respo
nses including calcium transients, actin polymerization, production of reac
tive oxygen metabolites, CD11b-expression, and chemotaxis. Here, the effect
of ion channel-gated P2X and/or G protein-coupled P2Y receptor agonists AT
P, ATP gammaS, alpha,beta -meATP, 2-MeSATP, BzATP, ADP, CTP, and UTP on the
intracellular Ca2+-mobilization, actin polymerization, production of react
ive oxygen metabolites, CD11b expression and chemotaxis of human eosinophil
s were measured and the biological activity was analyzed. Although all test
ed nucleotides were able to induce al I these cell responses, the biologica
l activity of the analyzed nucleotides were distinct. Agonists of the G pro
tein-coupled P2Y receptors such as 2-MeSATP, UTP, and ADP have a higher bio
logical activity for production of reactive oxygen metabolites, actin polym
erization and chemotaxis in comparison to the ion channel-gated P2X agonist
s alpha,beta -meATP, BzATP, and CTP. In contrast, P2Y and P2X agonist showe
d similar potencies in respect to intracellular calcium transient and CD11b
up-regulation. This conclusion was further supported by experiments with r
eceptor iso-type antagonist KN62, EGTA or with the G(1) protein-inactivatin
g pertussis toxin. These findings indicate participation of different purin
orecptors in the regulation of cell responses in eosinophils.