To address outstanding questions in Mesozoic-Cenozoic structure and pr
esent-day deep physicochemical state in the region of the southern Cor
dilleran hingeline, a detailed, east-west profile of magnetotelluric (
MT) soundings 155 km in length was acquired, From these soundings, a r
esistivity interpretation was produced using an inversion algorithm ba
sed on a structural parameterization. In the upper ten kilometers of t
he transect, the interpretation shows two segments of low resistivity
lying beneath allochthonous rocks of the Late Mesozoic, Sevier thrust
sheet. Subsequent industry drilling motivated in part by our surveying
confirms the existence and position of the eastern subthrust conducto
r and, more spectacularly, identifies the presence of yet deeper, auto
chthonous Mesozoic rocks. The conductors cannot be specified uniquely
with present public data, because their electrical characteristics app
ear consistent with Paleozoic, pyrolized graphitic strata of either La
te Devonian-Mississippian or Middle Ordovician age, However, the drill
ing results show that Late Paleozoic and younger rocks lie underthrust
much farther west than recognized previously, and perhaps as far west
as the Utah-Nevada border. A simple structural interpretation is offe
red where one underthrust segment of low-resistivity sediments was cre
ated originally, but this segment was broken later into two major ones
during higher-angle Tertiary extension. For the middle and lower crus
t, the MT data imply a nearly 1-D resistivity structure of remarkable
uniformity across the entire transect. In particular, there occurs a d
eep low-resistivity layer most pronounced (about 8 ohm-m) in the nomin
al depth interval of 17.5 to 40 km, The MT data indicate that the laye
r cannot be confined to a single thin layer in the lower crust but ins
tead represents vertically distributed low resistivity, With temperatu
res estimated from surface heat flow to range from 550 degrees C to 10
50 degrees C with depth in the layer, and with a metaigneous mineralog
y of high metamorphic grade assumed, mechanisms to produce the low res
istivity can be constrained, The deep layer is thus consistent with H2
O-rich brines at its upper levels, fluids of lower H2O activity toward
middle levels, and H2O-deficient melting below about 30 km, The marke
d uniformity of the deep conductive layer across the transect suggests
a similar uniformity of deep physicochemical state. However, this is
not at odds with recent analyses of heat flow Curie depth, Quaternary
extension, and basaltic volcanism. Pre-existing structural fabrics hav
e had no measureable influence on localizing regions of high temperatu
re, fluids and melting in the lower crust, at least averaged over the
scale of tens of kilometers. Given its uniformity over a distance of 1
55 km or more, the depth to the regional deep conductor does not appea
r related to the distribution of high-temperature geothermal resources