Lipid oxidation is a major problem causing flavor deterioration in meat pro
ducts. The objective of this research was to utilize an iodometric peroxide
value method (PV) to analyze the effects of dietary Vitamin E on lipid oxi
dation of subcutaneous lamb fat. Peroxide value analyses demonstrated lower
lipid oxidation in the fat from animals fed 300 IU (7 days and 21 days) of
Vitamin E than in the fat from animals fed diets supplemented with 15 IU (
control) (P < 0.05). At 9 and I I days of storage, PV analyses also demonst
rated a greater rate of increase (P < 0.05) in lipid oxidation in fat from
lambs fed control diets than in fat from animals fed 300 IU of Vitamin E. R
esults indicate that higher dietary Vitamin E for either 7 days or 21 days
antemortem reduced the rate and initiation of lipid oxidation in subcutaneo
us lamb fat.