To explore medical students' views of assisted death practices in patient c
ases that describe different degrees and types of physical and mental suffe
ring, an anonymous survey was administered to all students at one medical s
chool. Respondents were asked about the acceptability of assisted death act
ivities in five patient vignettes and withdrawal of life support in a sixth
vignette. In the vignettes, actions were performed by four possible agents
: the medical student personally; a referral physician; physicians in gener
al; or non-physicians. Of 306 medical students, 166 (54 %) participated. Re
spondents expressed opposition or uncertainty about assisted death practice
s in the five patient cases that illustrated severe forms of suffering whic
h were secondary to amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, treatment-resistant depr
essive and somatoform disorders, antisocial and sexually violent behavior,
or AIDS. Students supported the withdrawal of life support in the sixth vig
nette depicting exceptional futility secondary to AIDS. Students were espec
ially opposed to their own involvement and to the participation of non-phys
icians in assisted death activities. Differences in views related to sex, r
eligious beliefs, and personal philosophy were found. Medical students do n
ot embrace assisted death practices, although they exhibit tolerance regard
ing the choices of medical colleagues. How these attributes of medical stud
ents will translate into future behaviors toward patients and peers remains
uncertain. Medical educators must strive to understand the perspectives of
physicians-in-training. Expanded, empirically informed education that is a
ttuned to the attitudes of medical students may be helpful in fulfilling th
e responsibility of imparting optimal clinical care skills. (C) U.S. Cancer
Pain Relief Committee, 2001.