Bone mass acquired during childhood and adolescence is a key determinant of
adult bone health. Peak bone mass, which is achieved in late adolescence,
is a main determinant of osteoporosis in adulthood. Therefore, any factor a
dversely impacting on bone acquisition during childhood or adolescence can
potentially have long-standing detrimental effects on bone health predispos
ing to osteoporosis and fracture risk. Thus, osteoporosis can well have its
origin in childhood and adolescence. Pediatricians should be playing an ac
tive role in osteoporosis diagnosis and prevention. It is increasingly reco
gnized that osteoporosis may occur in some disorders of children and adoles
cents. In this paper we review the diagnostic criteria of osteopenia/osteop
orosis by densitometric assessment of bone mineral density, the contributin
g factors, and the mechanisms whereby several disorders may affect the acqu
isition of bone mass in children and adolescents. Finally, some recommendat
ions to optimize peak bone mass in order to prevent osteopenia/osteoporosis
are suggested.