Planning pedestrian environments requires assumptions about how pedestrians
will respond to characteristics of the environment as they formulate and e
nact their walking itineraries. As a consequence, most research interest in
public environments focuses on behavior in relation to those characteristi
cs. For example, there is a substantial body of descriptive and typological
studies of pedestrian environments. Metric, geometric, and topological mod
els have proved useful in characterizing density and direction of movement.
The need to understand the mechanism of choice has prompted microscale and
laboratory-based research on exploratory spatial behavior within walking d
istricts. Studies of behavior in relation to comfort, the way in which imag
es of places impinge on choices, and how dynamic and serial experience of t
he city affects individual itineraries have all developed as specialized fi
elds of understanding. In general, studies of pedestrian environment dynami
cs have both diversified and multiplied as its systems and methodologies ar
e adapted for planning other environments.