Background. The study assessed a way to increase the intensity and effectiv
eness of resistance training by comparing training with a slower repetition
speed to training with a conventional repetition speed. Slower repetition
speed may effectively increase intensity throughout the lifting phase while
decreasing momentum.
Methods. Two studies were done with untrained men (N=65) and women (N=82),
(mean age=53.6) who trained two to three times per week for eight to 10 wee
ks on a 13 exercise Nautilus circuit performing one set of each exercise. P
articipants exclusively trained using regular speed repetitions for 8 to 12
repetitions per set at 7 see each (2 sec lifting, 1 sec pause, 4 sec lower
ing) or a Super Slow training protocol where they completed 4 to 6 repetiti
ons per set at 14 sec each (10 sec lifting, 4 sec lowering). All of the par
ticipants were tested for either the 10 repetition-maximum (RM) weightload
(regular-speed group) or the 5-RM weightload (slow-speed group).
Results. In both studies, Super-Slow training resulted in about a 50% great
er increase (p<0.001) in strength for both men and women than regular speed
training. In Study 1, the Super-Slow training group showed a mean increase
of 12.0 kg and the regular speed group showed an increase of 8.0 kg increa
se (p<0.001). In Study 2, the Super-Slow training group showed a 10.9 kg in
crease and the regular speed group showed an increase of 7.1 kg (p<0.001).
Conclusions. Super-Slow training is an effective method for middle-aged and
older adults to increase strength. Although studies still need to be done
with at-risk populations, repetition speed should be considered when prescr
ibing resistance training.