Objective To identify constraints in adopting dietary fat and fiber recomme
Design A questionnaire was mailed to a sample of the general population, a
convenience sample of persons, vith heart disease and cancer in 11 states,
and registered dietitians in 5 states. The survey included questions on dem
ographic and attitudinal factors that were correlated with specific practic
es to reduce fat intake and increase fiber intake.
Setting From the general population sample of 6,206 those selected eligible
respondents (return rate of 51.5%), were respondents who indicated that th
ey would adopt a dietary recommendation if it were good for them (n = 2,682
). Subsamples from the general population were matched to 362 registered di
etitians and 147 persons with cancer or heart disease on selected demograph
ic variables. Factors associated with adoption of specific behaviors were i
Statistical analysis performed Statistical analysis included chi (2), facto
r analysis, and analysis of variance.
Results The majority of persons who said they would adopt a fat-reducing be
havior if it were good for their health reported practicing that behavior o
ften or usually. More than 60% reported consuming whole grains; however, on
ly 15% reported eating fruits and vegetables frequently. Among the general
population sample, those more likely to practice a behavior had the followi
ng characteristics: female, college educated, older than 60 years , white,
higher income, no children younger than 18 years, perceived health status a
s excellent, and absence of chronic disease. Resistered dieticians and thos
e with with chronic disease were also more likely to follow dietary fat and
fiber recommendations.
Applications Nutrition education messages that lead to increased consumptio
n of dietary fiber need to be developed. Nutrition educators should provide
strategies for consumers for increasing use of fruits and vegetables in al
l meals. Good taste and convenience are critical components. The food indus
try may assist by providing a wider array of convenience entrees or side di
shes that feature produce and whole grains.