We consider local likelihood or local estimating equations, in which a mult
ivariate function Theta(.) is estimated but a derived function lambda(.) of
Theta(.) is of interest. In many applications, when most naturally formula
ted the derived function is a non-linear function of Theta(.). In trying to
understand whether the derived non-linear function is constant or linear,
a problem arises with this approach: when the function is actually constant
or linear, the expectation of the function estimate need not be constant o
r linear, at least to second order. In such circumstances, the simplest sta
ndard methods in nonparametric regression for testing whether a function is
constant or linear cannot be applied. We develop a simple general solution
which is applicable to nonparametric regression, varying-coefficient model
s, nonparametric generalized linear models, etc. We show that, in local lin
ear kernel regression, inference about the derived function lambda(.) is fa
cilitated without a loss of power by reparameterization so that lambda(.) i
s itself a component of Theta(.). Our approach is in contrast with the stan
dard practice of choosing Theta(.) for convenience and allowing lambda(.) t
o be a non-linear function of Theta(.). The methods are applied to an impor
tant data set in nutritional epidemiology.