Paroxysmal nocturnal haemoglobinuria (PNH) is a unique disorder characteris
ed by the triad of intravascular haemolysis, thrombosis and bone marrow fai
lure. In the early seventies it was shown that PNH is a clonal disease; and
in the nineties the molecular basis of the PNH abnormality was elucidated.
However, what makes a PNH clone expand is still not known. Here, we sugges
t that this is due to somatic cell selection, resulting from the presence i
n the patient of autoreactive T cells that target glycosylphosphatidylinosi
tol (GPI) in the context of an MHC-like molecule on the surface of haemopoi
etic stem cells. PNH cells would escape damage precisely because they have
lost most or all of their ability to produce GPI.