Somatic symptoms and aversion of opiate withdrawal, regulated by noradrener
gic signaling, were attenuated in mice with a CNS-wide conditional ablation
of neurotrophin-3. This occurred in conjunction with altered cAMP-mediated
excitation and reduced upregulation of tyrosine hydroxylase in A6 (locus c
oeruleus) without loss of neurons. Transgene-derived NT-3 expressed by nora
drenergic neurons of conditional mutants restored opiate withdrawal symptom
s. Endogenous NT-3 expression, strikingly absent in noradrenergic neurons o
f postnatal and adult brain, is present in afferent sources of the dorsal m
edulla and is upregulated after chronic morphine exposure in noradrenergic
projection areas of the ventral forebrain. NT-3 expressed by noncatecholami
nergic neurons may modulate opiate withdrawal and noradrenergic signalling.