Background: Prevailing hypotheses suggest that attention deficit hyperactiv
ity disorder (ADHD) is secondary to dysfunction of motor intentional system
s mediated by prefrontal circuitry. Oculomotor paradigms provide a mechanis
m for examining and localizing dysfunction at the interface between movemen
t and cognition. Objective: Three different saccade tasks (reflexive or pro
saccades, antisaccades, and memory-guided saccades) were used to examine fu
nctions necessary for the planning and the execution of eye movements, incl
uding motor response preparation, response inhibition, and working memory.
Methods: The study included 19 children with ADHD, divided into two groups:
a group of 8 children on methylphenidate at the time of testing and a grou
p of 11 children not taking any psychoactive medication. Results from the t
wo groups were compared with those from 25 age- and gender-matched normal c
ontrol children. Results: Both groups of children with ADHD made significan
tly more directional errors than did controls on the antisaceade task and s
ignificantly more anticipatory errors than did controls on the memory-guide
d saccade task, findings that are consistent with deficits in response inhi
bition. There were no significant differences in prosaccade latency, althou
gh unmedicated children with ADHD showed significantly greater variability
in latency on the prosaccade task than did controls. On the memory-guided s
accade task there were no significant differences in saccade accuracy; howe
ver, unmedicated children with ADHD showed longer saccade latency than did
either controls or medicated children with ADHD. Conclusions: Oculomotor fi
ndings suggest that deficits in prefrontal functions, in particular respons
e inhibition, contribute to behavioral abnormalities observed in ADHD. Find
ings also suggest that the administration of methylphenidate is associated
with improvements in the consistency of motor response. Although there were
no observed improvements in response inhibition with methylphenidate, conc
lusions await a design in which subjects complete testing both on and off m